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10 Quick and Easy SEO Tips

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Search engine optimization or SEO will always be relevant. Despite its relatively young life, there is already a wealth of information on it, so much so that even experts may miss out on a tip or two. This list will make sure that you don't miss out on anything SEO related.

1. Have Your Keyword in Each Post's URL
Google uses, among many other things, each post's URL to determine whether or not a post is relevant. Make sure that whenever you put up a post, the keyword is in the URL. Blogger and Wordpress, for example, use the post's title as the permalink by default. Change it manually or use a plugin to streamline the process.

2. Make Sure that Your Keyword is Also in Your Domain Name
Google also checks your site's domain name to determine its relevance. This is incredibly important for people who are targeting a specific niche. If your site covers cars, it should have the word "car" in the domain name. This particular tip is most useful before your site goes live. If your site has already gone live and you find that you need to change your domain name, make sure to add an automatic redirect on the old URL so your current users won't get lost.

3. Place Keywords in the Title Tag, Headings, Meta Description, and in the Body
The keywords for your post and/or site should be present in all those places. Just be careful with the number of keywords you put in the body - your content should only have around five percent of it as keywords. Wordpress users will find the plugin "Wordpress SEO by Yoast" extremely useful, as it automates keyword placement for you.

4. Link Internally
If you're covering a niche topic, your posts are bound to have some overlap. Link related posts together, as not only will it help your user navigate the site, but it will also increase each page's SEO and relevance.

5. Optimize Your Site
The slower a site loads, the less views it gets. Make sure that your site loads as quickly as possible. Disable any plugins you don't need to help it along, and make sure that each page is, at maximum, 100k in size. Google's Page Speed Tool can help you measure your site's speed and can even give you recommendations as to what you can do to make it go faster.

6. Optimize Your Site's Images
Make sure that each image on your site has a title and alt tags. This will help determine each picture's relevance and improve You will also want to make sure that each picture is at the optimum size. If you're having trouble figuring out what size the pictures should be, use Google Analytics. It can tell you the screen resolutions of your users. Optimizing your images will also help your site load faster, which can result in improved rankings.

8. Make Your Site Easy to Navigate
SEO is more than about what you put in your tags and titles - it's also about its user friendliness live casinos. A good sitemap will help Google index your site.

9. Make Sure That You Have High-Quality Content
High-quality content will make visitors stay longer naturally and reduce bounce rates. Google uses page view time as a metric to measure site relevance. You should also make sure that your content is unique. Copied content will reduce your rankings, if not get you blacklisted.

10. Have a "Contact Us" Page
Interestingly enough, search engines give sites with contact information higher ratings, as it helps prove that the site isn't full of spam.

Use these tips to help get your site to the top of the search engine results list. The higher your position, the more clicks you'll get.