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Domain Name Status.

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What Does the Status of a Domain Name Mean?

There are 23 domain status codes that you may come across when using DomainAlert Pro. Most of these are variations of a few basic states.

A domain's normal state is ACTIVE or OK. Active domains can be used for Web sites, email, or to register nameservers.

The domain registrant can also transfer domains from one registrar to another. A few status codes exist to keep track of a domain when changes like this are pending. Likewise, cancelling a domain registration can put it into a PENDING status.

Domains can also be placed in a LOCK or HOLD status. The domain registrant might do this to prevent its settings from being casually altered by associates. A registrar or registry might also lock or hold a domain, as necessary.

.COM and .NET Domains

These are the 6 status codes used for .COM and .NET domains:


The normal state for a domain name. Domains that are active can be used for Web sites, email, or to register nameservers.


The domain was placed on hold by the registrar and cannot be used.


The domain was placed on hold by the registry and cannot be used.


The registrar, often at the request of the domain registrant, locked the domain so that its settings cannot be modified.


The registry locked the domain so that its settings cannot be modified.


The domain expired, and the registry is waiting for 30 days as a precautionary measure before releasing it.


A domain that had expired is being restored to ACTIVE status.


The domain expired 75 days ago, and the registry is about to erase it. A domain remains in this status for five days before it is deleted.

.ORG, .BIZ, .US, .INFO, and .NAME Domains

Here are the 15 status codes used for .ORG, .BIZ, .US, .INFO, and .NAME domains:


The registrar locked the domain so that it cannot be deleted.


The registry locked the domain so that it cannot be deleted.


The registrar placed the domain on hold, and it cannot be used.


The registry placed the domain on hold, and it cannot be used.


The registrar locked the domain so that it cannot be renewed.


The registry has locked the domain so that it cannot be renewed.


The registrar locked the domain so that it cannot be transferred to another registrar.


The registry locked the domain so that it cannot be transferred to another registrar.


The registrar locked the domain to prevent its settings from being changed.


The registry locked the domain to prevent its settings from being changed.


The domain cannot be used because the nameservers haven't been entered or there is a problem with the nameservers.


The domain is active and can be used for Web sites, email, or to register nameservers.


The registration for the domain is about to be deleted by the registry, as when the domain expires.


The domain is in the process of being transferred from one registrar to another. It may not be modified during this period.


The registry is in the process of creating the domain record.